Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Positive thinking (suomeksi ks. Positiivista ajattelua)

Our grandmother was a brisk and busy woman taking care of our family when I was a child. She lived with us in a village in Kaarina, and although there were two stores and a bank in the village, at times she would need to run errands in town.

My granny used to take the bus to get around and the route to town included a narrow winding road, which was particularly challenging in the winter. The road ran along the side of a rock so that on one side, there was the wall of rock and on the other side, a drop to the field that lay quite a bit lower than the road.

At dinner one evening, my grandma talked about how wonderfully kind and helpful the local bus drivers are. We asked her what they had done to deserve such praise.

So grandma told us about her latest trip to town. It was March, so the roads were extremely icy. In the turn, where the road ran along the side of the rock, an oncoming car in the middle of the road forced the bus to swerve so that it fell off the road and onto the field, stopping there on its side.

"I would have never made it out of the bus if it had not been for the driver who was so kind and helped me!" my grandma explained.


  1. This is funny because the driver needs to do that anyway! :)

  2. I am sorry to say that I never met Jaana's grandmother. But, I have experienced the excellent driving behavior of the bus drivers around Piikkiö and Kaarina and Turku. I cannot say enough positive words concerning these bus drivers. They are very considerate and calm drivers.
